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#10106 closed bug (worksforme)

Opened June 11, 2014 01:40PM UTC

Closed June 16, 2014 01:30PM UTC

Last modified June 16, 2014 03:30PM UTC

smoothness datepicker

Reported by: sh_ar Owned by: sh_ar
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.datepicker Version: 1.10.4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


I am using the datepicker with the smoothness theme.

When I download the files and run it,I realized the icons for the next and

prev months, disappear, but the buttons were there.



P.s: when I use the demo I could see the icons.

Attachments (0)
Change History (7)

Changed June 11, 2014 01:52PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

owner: → sh_ar
status: newpending

Please either use the forums or Stack Overflow for help or provide a reduced test case with the downloaded theme.

Changed June 16, 2014 07:39AM UTC by sh_ar comment:2

_comment0: Just Go to Downloads and download the datepicker with smoothness theme and use the css files and js files. \ you can also save the demo page of date picker as .htm and you'll see that when you load the page from your computer you'll not get the next and prev icons of the months. \ \ regards, \ Shimon. \ Replying to [comment:1 scott.gonzalez]: \ > Please either use the forums or Stack Overflow for help or provide a reduced test case with the downloaded theme. \ 1402904538644954
status: pendingnew

Just Go to Downloads and download the datepicker with smoothness theme and use the css files and js files.

you can also save the demo page of date picker as .htm and you'll see that when you load the page from your computer you'll not get the next and prev icons of the months.

I geuss there something missing in the css file!!!



Replying to [comment:1 scott.gonzalez]:

Please either use the forums or Stack Overflow for help or provide a reduced test case with the downloaded theme.

Changed June 16, 2014 01:00PM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:3

status: newpending


Where are you downloading jQuery UI from? I just tried the download from and 1.10.4 and the datepicker displayed fine.

Changed June 16, 2014 01:19PM UTC by sh_ar comment:4

status: pendingnew

Yes this is the place I download it.

Are you seeing the icons of the next/prev months?

well try to save in the demos page the page and try to load it?

again it seem that something missing in css file, because when I am using the css link from the internet it workes fine.



Changed June 16, 2014 01:30PM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:5

component: ui.coreui.datepicker
resolution: → worksforme
status: newclosed

Yes they do work. I'm not sure what's up but we can't look into something that we cannot recreate. And we have also had no other users report this problem. You might want to try loading the datepicker in multiple browsers, or you could try the beta release of 1.11 from

Changed June 16, 2014 03:04PM UTC by sh_ar comment:6

Hi again,

Why when I use the css file from the link: "//" it worked. but when I use the file I down load it not.

is there a way I can pass you the css file I have?



Changed June 16, 2014 03:30PM UTC by sh_ar comment:7

I found I missed the images.

