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#14597 closed bug (duplicate)

Opened September 25, 2015 05:04PM UTC

Closed September 25, 2015 05:38PM UTC

Slider active area does not scale

Reported by: rvernica Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.slider Version: 1.11.4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

When using "transform: scale(...);" style for a slider element, the active area scales incorrectly.

Here is a JSFiddle

The active area of the slider is the top 50% and the mapping is not correct. Clicking around the 30% point moves the slider to the 60% point. Clicking any where in the bottom 50% area just moves the slider to the bottom.

This has been observed before in #7798 and #9879. I am putting this out again in case things have changed. Any ideas on how to patch this would be greatly appreciated as well.

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Changed September 25, 2015 05:38PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

resolution: → duplicate
status: newclosed

Duplicate of #6844.Nothing has changed.