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#14943 new bug ()

Opened April 01, 2016 07:23PM UTC

Last modified January 07, 2018 04:52PM UTC

Over event isn't propagated if nested droppable doesn't accept draggable under a certain scenario

Reported by: deejain Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.droppable Version: 1.11.4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

The steps below are applicable for the following jsFiddle,


1. Click on and drag Draggable 1 onto the inner droppable of Droppable 3. Continue to hold Draggable 1, do not release it.

2. Note that when Draggable 1 is on the inner droppable and the pointer is fully over the area of Droppable 3, the outer Droppable 3 is highlighted, which is expected.

3. Move Draggable 1 beyond the bounds of Droppable 3 and release it so that it's resting entirely in whitespace.

4. Click and drag Draggable 2. You only have to drag it to some random whitespace spot, not on a droppable.

5. Release Draggable 2.

6. Grab Draggable 1 again and drag it onto the inner droppable of Draggable 3. Continue to hold Draggable 1, do not release it.

7. When Draggable 1 is on the inner droppable and the pointer is fully over the area of Droppable 3, take a note of the state of the outer Droppable 3 container.

Expected results:

  • The outer Droppable 3 container is highlighted when Draggable 1 is entirely on the inner droppable and within the bounds of Droppable 3.

Actual results:

  • The outer Droppable 3 container is not highlighted when Draggable 1 is entirely on the inner droppable and within the bounds of Droppable 3.


  • If you debug the issue, it turns out that simply dragging Draggable 2 results in some state changes in Droppable 3, such that event propagation no longer works as expected when Droppable 1 is on the inner droppable.
  • Console logs have been added to this jsFiddle to help highlight this issue.
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Change History (1)

Changed April 01, 2016 07:36PM UTC by rjollos comment:1

_comment0: This issue seems like it's related to, but the scenario is slightly different. Therefore, I've raise a separate issue.1459543116518303
_comment1: This issue seems like it's related to #10111, but the scenario is slightly different. Therefore, I've raise a separate issue.1515343972835054

This issue seems like it's related to #10111, but the scenario is slightly different. Therefore, I've raised a separate issue.