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#14995 closed bug (notabug)

Opened July 03, 2016 12:10PM UTC

Closed July 03, 2016 01:35PM UTC

Still using long deprecated jQuery features

Reported by: teo1978 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.core Version: 1.11.4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

1.11.4 is supposed to be the latest stable version, at least according to!

By using it with jQuery 3 and jQuery 3 Migrate, you get a lot of warnings due to the use of deprecated features (some of which, by the way, were deprecated even in 1.x).

I'm not sure if any of them actually breaks anything, but the use of deprecated fertures makes a lot of noise if you use the Migrate plugin, which renders the Migrate plugin useless, flooding the developer with noise preventing him to find real migration issues in his own code.

Which is basically equivalent to jquery ui being actually incompatible with jQuery 3: if it prevents me from finding migration issues in my code, it prevents me from migrating, and hence it prevent me from using jQuery 3 (or 2 for that matter, given that it uses features that have been deprecated as long as 1.9).

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Change History (2)

Changed July 03, 2016 12:15PM UTC by teo1978 comment:1

Hmmm, thinking about it, I can see why you use deprecated features. You probably have to in order to maintain backward compatibility with old jQuery versions.

Then the issue is more in the Migrate plugin. Given that official jQuery products such as jQuery UI will inevitably trigger losts of migrate warnings, the Migrate plugin should provide a way to filter them more easily than inspecting them one by one.

Changed July 03, 2016 01:35PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed

Of course it would be impossible for a version of jQuery UI that was released over a year ago to guarantee compatibility with a version of jQuery that was released only a few weeks ago.

There is no action for us to take based on this. If you're encountering problems with the latest 1.12.0 pre-release, then feel free to file specific issues.