I attached a patch that builds on the existing patch created by Fluid.
It fixes the following:
- Omission of "unittext" option used to result in the aria-valuetext attribute containing "null" as unit. Now, if the unittext option is not specified, aria-valuetext is not set.
- Aria-valuetext was not set until the value is actually changed. Now it is set when the slider is initialized.
- Changes to range slider handles now updated the aria-valuemin/max value of the opposite thumb
- Added two options for labeling slider handles (implemented using the 'title' attribute):
1: The "label" option can be used to specify a single label.
If the slider has multiple thumbs, this label will be given to each handle, but with an index concatenated (e.g. "color 1", "color 2", etc)
If the slider is a range slider, both thumbs will have the label, followed by "min" and "max" (e.g. "price range min", "price range max"
2: The "labels" options can be used to specify an array of labels for multiple thumb sliders (e.g. "color picker red", "color picker blue", "color picker green".
I attached a patch that builds on the existing patch created by Fluid.
It fixes the following:
1: The "label" option can be used to specify a single label.
If the slider has multiple thumbs, this label will be given to each handle, but with an index concatenated (e.g. "color 1", "color 2", etc)
If the slider is a range slider, both thumbs will have the label, followed by "min" and "max" (e.g. "price range min", "price range max"
2: The "labels" options can be used to specify an array of labels for multiple thumb sliders (e.g. "color picker red", "color picker blue", "color picker green".