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#8439 closed bug (wontfix)

Opened July 11, 2012 05:04PM UTC

Closed October 21, 2012 03:17PM UTC

Autocomplete plugin disables custom 'window.onbeforeunload' listener

Reported by: davispw Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.10.0
Component: ui.autocomplete Version: 1.8.17
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

The fix for jQuery UI bug #7790 introduced a new issue. See ticket:7790#comment:5. If I create my own window.onbeforeunload listener, autocomplete disables it.

$(window).bind('beforeunload', ...) does not support binding multiple listeners. So it's up to autocomplete to check for an existing listener, and delegate to it after doing its own work.

This is a rather insidious issue because upgrading to jQuery UI 1.8.17 will break previously-functional behavior in the user's application. It has the potential to cause data loss because a common use of 'beforeunload' is to warn the user of unsaved changes. Autocomplete binds this listener with no option to disable or restore the previous behavior.

A very hacky workaround is to attempt to reset the custom listener whenever autocomplete is used:

var autocomplete = $.fn.autocomplete;	// original fn
$.fn.autocomplete = function() {	// intercept calls to $().autocomplete()
	var result = autocomplete.apply(this, arguments);	// delegate
	window.onbeforeunload = myCustomBeforeunloadListener;	// reset
	return result;

The issue is present as of 1.8.21

Attachments (0)
Change History (4)

Changed July 11, 2012 07:03PM UTC by dmethvin comment:1

I created a core bug here:

For now I'd say that we should just avoid using $(window).on("beforeunload", fn) in library code given its behavior. But if you need a handler for it, you'll need to address the issues mentioned in the ticket above, including what to do about return values and unbinding if that is needed.

Changed October 11, 2012 02:42PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2


Changed October 15, 2012 04:09PM UTC by bavanyo comment:3

status: newopen

Changed October 21, 2012 03:17PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:4

resolution: → wontfix
status: openclosed

We created a ticket for core to handle this properly, and the fix just landed. I'm closing this as wontfix because we won't be implementing a workaround in jQuery UI, but using jQuery UI with jQuery 1.9+ will solve the issue.