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#9643 closed feature (wontfix)

Opened November 01, 2013 12:33PM UTC

Closed November 01, 2013 12:52PM UTC

Last modified November 04, 2013 09:11AM UTC

modal dialog close on overlay click

Reported by: jurchiks Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.dialog Version: 1.10.3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I had need for this functionality and found out that jQuery UI does not provide it built-in. I found it baffling because this is so simple to make (as I did), and googling for existing results yielded tons of discussions about this same feature, but, unfortunately, none of them worked for me, not the way I wanted them to.

Here's the patch:

I don't yet dare to try making a pull request as I've never worked with git in a multi-user environment, besides I also wanted to ask a question about the event I'm adding: perhaps it would be better to bind only the click event if the the option to close on click is enabled? I would think it's pointless to bind the mousedown event in that scenario, but perhaps not...

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Change History (17)

Changed November 01, 2013 12:34PM UTC by jurchiks comment:1

This is my original stackoverflow question with my initial attempts to solve the problem:

Changed November 01, 2013 12:52PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

resolution: → wontfix
status: newclosed
I found it baffling because this is so simple to make

This is exactly why we shouldn't provide it. The goal is to make things easy, not to make everything one line of code.

On a side note, if clicking in random places can dismiss the dialog, the content probably isn't worthy of being modal.

Changed November 01, 2013 01:30PM UTC by jurchiks comment:3

_comment0: ''On a side note, if clicking in random places can dismiss the dialog, the content probably isn't worthy of being modal.'' \ It's not random places, it's the overlay, besides, that's what the option is for, I didn't hardcode it. Google "jquery ui dialog close on overlay click" and see how many people have been looking for a solution to this, and how many have actually made something proper. Not providing it and just saying "it's easy, make it yourself" is an utterly ridiculous answer. \ 1383312682683264

''On a side note, if clicking in random places can dismiss the dialog, the content probably isn't worthy of being modal.''

It's not random places, it's the overlay, besides, that's what the option is for, I didn't hardcode it. Google "jquery ui dialog close on overlay click" and see how many people have been looking for a solution to this, and how many have actually made something proper. Not providing it and just saying "it's easy, make it yourself" is an utterly ridiculous answer.

Changed November 01, 2013 01:32PM UTC by jurchiks comment:4

Why did you close the topic without even waiting for someone else's feedback on this? Now nobody will see it and it will be forgotten just because you think your oppinion is the only one that matters.

Changed November 01, 2013 02:09PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:5

It's not random places, it's the overlay

The overlay is literally the entire page besides the one part of the page that is deemed the only thing important (that's what modal means). So, yes, it is random places.

Not providing it and just saying "it's easy, make it yourself" is an utterly ridiculous answer.

Actually, it's policy for all jQuery projects. If 80% of users don't need it or it can be implemented easily, then there is no need for it to be implemented by the team.

Why did you close the topic without even waiting for someone else's feedback on this?

Because I don't need anyone else's feedback. I'm aware of current and past discussions about features for the past several years.

Now nobody will see it and it will be forgotten just because you think your oppinion is the only one that matters.

My opinion is that of the team. Everyone that needs to see it will see it, regardless of the status. Do you think the team has never thought about this functionality before?

Changed November 01, 2013 02:54PM UTC by jurchiks comment:6

Why make users come up with various hacks instead of implementing it in a proper way if it takes less than 10 lines of code to do it?

Changed November 01, 2013 02:58PM UTC by jurchiks comment:7

Didn't expect this project to be THAT narrow-minded...

Changed November 01, 2013 03:09PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:8

Why make users come up with various hacks instead of implementing it in a proper way if it takes less than 10 lines of code to do it?

Because 10 lines times 20 features = 200 lines. It also means 20 more options to document, making it near impossible to learn how to use the widget properly. It also means thousands of configuration combinations that need to work together. Implementation size for a feature is just one of many considerations.

Also, let's be very clear that we're not making users come up with various hacks. This is super straight forward to implement, and it's extremely easy for anyone to create a plugin which adds the option and put it on our hosted plugins site.

Changed November 01, 2013 08:19PM UTC by jurchiks comment:9

''making it near impossible to learn how to use the widget properly''

Only if you want to use all the available options. Tell me one person who does that.

''It also means thousands of configuration combinations that need to work together''

Not all of them are not related.

''This is super straight forward to implement''

Took me two days to find this, and I had to dig inside jQuery UI dialog code to find what I was looking for, after I had tried every other suggested option. Others stopped at the first dirty hack that worked for them.

''If 80% of users don't need it''

To me it sounds like you're making the bare minimum expected from something like this and leaving everything else to the user, which, to me, is unacceptable for such a popular plugin. But who am I to speak of such things...

''it's extremely easy for anyone to create a plugin which adds the option''

If so, could you please make that plugin for me? I don't want to modify jQuery UI every time I update it, and my current solution (the one from the fiddle posted on the stackoverflow question) is IMHO a dirty hack, because the _createOverlay() function should be private and not overridable from outside.

Changed November 01, 2013 08:25PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:10

Only if you want to use all the available options. Tell me one person who does that.

This is not true. You have to read the full documentation to learn how to use something properly. Just look at the mess that is jQuery.ajax(). There are tons of options. Nobody uses all of them. Tons of people get confused by the sheer insanity of the API. We have the same problem with the current draggable API.

If so, could you please make that plugin for me?

No. I think it's a terrible idea. Did you not catch on to that yet?

Changed November 01, 2013 09:39PM UTC by jurchiks comment:11

_comment0: ''No. I think it's a terrible idea. Did you not catch on to that yet?'' \ \ Sorry, what exactly is a terrible idea? I don't know how to make a cleaner implementation of the functionalityy I want, you're saying you can do that by making a plugin, so show me then. You just said it's extremely easy, was that a lie?1383342003417529

''No. I think it's a terrible idea. Did you not catch on to that yet?''

Sorry, what exactly is a terrible idea? I don't know how to make a cleaner implementation of the functionality I want, you're saying you can do that by making a plugin, so show me then. You just said it's extremely easy, was that a lie?

Changed November 02, 2013 01:39PM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:12

Replying to [comment:11 jurchiks]:

''No. I think it's a terrible idea. Did you not catch on to that yet?'' Sorry, what exactly is a terrible idea? I don't know how to make a cleaner implementation of the functionality I want, you're saying you can do that by making a plugin, so show me then. You just said it's extremely easy, was that a lie?

Even though this is not the place for this, I'll provide an example just to help promote how easy extending widgets is - However, please take any future conversations on this to the forums or Stack Overflow.

Changed November 02, 2013 03:07PM UTC by jurchiks comment:13

_comment0: But that is still a dirty hack because you're overriding a private method...1383405209600782
_comment1: But that is still a dirty hack because you're overriding a private method... \ Also, why are you using this.overlay.on(event, function, nested selector) instead of "this._on(this.overlay, { click: 'close' });"? \ I don't see how it is better.1383405241483267

But that is still a dirty hack because you're overriding a private method...

Also, why are you using this.overlay.on(event, function(nested selector)) instead of "this._on(this.overlay, { click: 'close' });"?

I don't see how it is better.

Changed November 02, 2013 04:03PM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:14

Replying to [comment:13 jurchiks]:

But that is still a dirty hack because you're overriding a private method... Also, why are you using this.overlay.on(event, function(nested selector)) instead of "this._on(this.overlay, { click: 'close' });"? I don't see how it is better.

You're correct that

is the better approach.
is a publicly exposed extension point; we encourage such extensions. We're working on improving our documentation for these.

Changed November 02, 2013 06:06PM UTC by jurchiks comment:15

But the underscore denotes a private variable/method. Private methods should never be overriden (and, technically, shouldn't be possible to be overriden).

Changed November 03, 2013 10:58PM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:16

Replying to [comment:15 jurchiks]:

But the underscore denotes a private variable/method. Private methods should never be overriden (and, technically, shouldn't be possible to be overriden).

For widgets the underscore just means the method cannot be invoked through the plugin. As I said we're working on improving our documentation for this. As an example see

Changed November 04, 2013 09:11AM UTC by jurchiks comment:17

Right... Well, anyway, I really don't see the reason why something so simple as this mod wouldn't be committed; one example of its usage would be for popups that simply display some content without interaction (i.e. no buttons or forms inside the popup, just data). I also don't see how this would conflict with anything else because this would only work if modal option is enabled, which narrows its "area of effect" quite a lot.