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Ticket #4961: tooltips_and_datepicker.txt

File tooltips_and_datepicker.txt, 1.3 KB (added by plaastik, November 16, 2009 07:51PM UTC)

Snippet of the code that adds the tooltips to the datepicker

<script type="text/javascript">
  	var dArray = new Array();	
    <?php genererTabJs();?>
	function setToolTips(){
		jQuery(".calHighlight").tooltip({extraClass: "activite"});
  //Highlight les dates de calendriers dependant des valeurs dans dArray	  
	var  hiDate = function (thedate){
			var day = thedate.getDate();
			if(day < 10) day = '0'+day;
			var month = thedate.getMonth() + 1;
			if(month < 10) month = '0'+month;	
			var year = thedate.getFullYear();
			var cmpStr = year+'-'+month+'-'+day;
			//R�cup�rer le contenu de la date si possible
			var i = 0;
			trouve = false;
			while(!trouve && i < dArray.length)
				if(dArray[i][0] == cmpStr)
					return [true, 'calHighlight', dArray[i][1]];
				i = i+1;
			return [true, ''];
		var  onCMY = function (x,y,z){
	  	jQuery(".datepicker").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', beforeShowDay: hiDate, onChangeMonthYear: onCMY, onSelect: chooseDate, defaultDate:<?=$defaultDate?>});		
		// Recherche les activites par date selectionne
		function chooseDate(thedate, inst){		


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