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#15165 closed feature (fixed)

Opened April 18, 2017 01:18AM UTC

Closed May 02, 2017 06:03PM UTC

Last modified May 02, 2017 07:10PM UTC

Create _scroll extension point in sortable

Reported by: borgboyone Owned by: scottgonzalez
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.12.2
Component: ui.sortable Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

The ability to extend scroll based functionality in ''ui.sortable'' would be facilitated by moving the current scroll code in **_mouseDrag** to an extension point (such as **_scroll**).

Such an extension point would render the code more readable and manageable and provide the ability to check for scrolling in non native scrollable areas. As an example:

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Change History (2)

Changed May 02, 2017 06:03PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

owner: → scottgonzalez
resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed

In [changeset:"c866e455373028a62a0956455a229fef63e91fac" c866e45]:

#!CommitTicketReference repository="" revision="c866e455373028a62a0956455a229fef63e91fac"
Sortable: Fix various scrolling issues

* Created _scroll extension point and migrated scroll code from _mouseDrag
* Cleaned up logic for scrolled
* Fixed appendTo functionality to match documentation
* Remove unnecessary function calls
* Move set-up position functions to appropriate place
* Base scrollParent on placeholder and not helper
* Update scrollParent when switching containers

Fixes #3173
Fixes #15165
Fixes #15166
Fixes #15167
Fixes #15168
Fixes #15169
Fixes #15170
Closes gh-1793

Changed May 02, 2017 07:10PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

milestone: none1.12.2