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#15233 closed bug (notabug)

Opened September 03, 2017 01:26AM UTC

Closed September 03, 2017 08:21PM UTC

Selectmenu strips all options but the visible one

Reported by: 1der1 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.selectmenu Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the following problem in a fiddle. On the page

I use several selects. Quite often, I can't open up a selection. This happens out of the sudden and there is no certain way to reproduce it. The console doesn't show an error.

When I inspect the element with the debugger, I can see, that the option-list contains the visible option only. For this reason, the dropdown list can't open - there are no other options to show.

When this happens, all ui selects are affected. Even when I create a new selectmenu from scratch (within a new dialog), it comes with the problem right from the beginning.

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Change History (1)

Changed September 03, 2017 08:21PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

description: Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the following problem in a fiddle. On the page \ \ I use several selects. Quite often, I can't open up a selection. This happens out of the sudden and there is no certain way to reproduce it. The developer console doesn't show an error. \ When I inspect the element with the debugger, I can see, that the option-list contains the visible option only. For this reason, the dropdown list can't open - there are no other options to show. \ When this happens, all ui selects are affected. Even when I create a new selectmenu from scratch (within a new dialog), it comes with the problem right from the beginning.Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the following problem in a fiddle. On the page \ \ I use several selects. Quite often, I can't open up a selection. This happens out of the sudden and there is no certain way to reproduce it. The console doesn't show an error. \ When I inspect the element with the debugger, I can see, that the option-list contains the visible option only. For this reason, the dropdown list can't open - there are no other options to show. \ When this happens, all ui selects are affected. Even when I create a new selectmenu from scratch (within a new dialog), it comes with the problem right from the beginning.
resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed

If the option isn't visible, it's not selectable, so we don't create them. I'm not sure why you would have expected this to work.