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#15236 new feature ()

Opened September 06, 2017 06:43PM UTC

Last modified September 08, 2017 07:30PM UTC

Add "fixed" options.

Reported by: jhorowitz-firedrum Owned by: jhorowitz-firedrum
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.sortable Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


The option "fixed.above" is a class whose presence

prevents the sortable item from moving down when

another sortable hovers over its top half.

The option "fixed.below" is a class whose presence

prevents the sortable item from moving up when

another sortable hovers over its bottom half.


Finer-grained control than the current "items" option.

Attachments (0)
Change History (2)

Changed September 06, 2017 06:46PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

owner: → jhorowitz-firedrum
status: newpending

I don't really understand the goals. Please provide actual use cases.

Changed September 06, 2017 07:16PM UTC by jhorowitz-firedrum comment:2

_comment0: Please see this jsfiddle for the desired use case, labeled "Locked sorting".
_comment1: Please see this jsfiddle for the desired use case, labeled "Locked sorting", compared with the behavior effected by the "items" option.
_comment2: Please see this jsfiddle for the desired use case, labeled "Locked sorting", compared with the behavior effected by the "items" option.
status: pendingnew

Please see this jsfiddle for the desired use case, labeled "Locked sorting", compared with the behavior effected by the "items" option.