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Search and Top Navigation

#15278 closed bug (notabug)

Opened March 07, 2018 08:38PM UTC

Closed October 25, 2018 01:43PM UTC

stop jQuery UI dialogue box scroll top when close

Reported by: ryannz Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.dialog Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I have this problem that when I close jQuery UI dialog, the window keeps scrolling to top but I just want my window to stay in the same position. Please have a look at this clip

After going through the close function in the library, I notice this is the part of the code that trigger the scrolling (please correct me if I am wrong).

if ( !this.opener.filter( ":focusable" ).trigger( "focus" ).length ) {

        // Hiding a focused element doesn't trigger blur in WebKit
        // so in case we have nothing to focus on, explicitly blur the active element
        $.ui.safeBlur( $.ui.safeActiveElement( this.document[ 0 ] ) );

Is there a way I can fix that without modifying the library? thanks.

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Change History (2)

Changed March 13, 2018 09:23PM UTC by ryannz comment:1

Anybody could help with this one please?

Changed October 25, 2018 01:43PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

component: ui.coreui.dialog
resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed

This is intended behavior for accessibility.