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#15280 new bug ()

Opened March 10, 2018 02:44PM UTC

Last modified October 25, 2018 01:44PM UTC

AutoComplete Failing for new TRs

Reported by: ConradKrinock Owned by: ConradKrinock
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.autocomplete Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

We have a VERY bizarre condition with Autocomplete. When we add a new <tr> to our html <table> 2 our of 3 autocomplete <input> tags work great but the 3rd one is failing.

The failing <input> is missing

HOWEVER, we have added that class using
	   $(this).addClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" )

and it's still failing.

And before you ask, "yes" we have a JavaScript function containing all 3 of our AutoComplete:

	$( function() { 
		var availableTags = GetAvailableTags( 'ProjectID' ); 
		$( '#ProjectID_12669_AutoComplete').autocomplete({source: availableTags}); 
	 } ); 

This JavaScript function is executed to re-fresh the 3 AutoComplete functions after we add the TR.



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Change History (2)

Changed March 10, 2018 09:53PM UTC by rjollos comment:1

description: We have a VERY bizarre condition with Autocomplete. When we add a new <tr> to our html <table> 2 our of 3 autocomplete <input> tags work great but the 3rd one is failing. \ \ The failing <input> is missing \ class="ui-autocomplete-input" \ HOWEVER, we have added that class using \ $(this).addClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" ) \ and it's still failing. \ \ And before you ask, "yes" we have a JavaScript function containing all 3 of our AutoComplete: \ $( function() { \ var availableTags = GetAvailableTags( 'ProjectID' ); \ $( '#ProjectID_12669_AutoComplete').autocomplete({source: availableTags}); \ } ); \ ... \ This JavaScript function is executed to re-fresh the 3 AutoComplete functions after we add the TR. \ \ HELP!!!!! \ \ WE HAVE A CLEAR AND CONCISE PPTX THAT DESCRIBES THIS ISSUE. \ We have a VERY bizarre condition with Autocomplete. When we add a new `<tr>` to our html `<table>` 2 our of 3 autocomplete `<input>` tags work great but the 3rd one is failing. \ \ The failing `<input>` is missing \ {{{#!js \ class="ui-autocomplete-input" \ HOWEVER, we have added that class using \ $(this).addClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" ) \ }}} \ \ and it's still failing. \ \ And before you ask, "yes" we have a JavaScript function containing all 3 of our AutoComplete: \ {{{#!js \ $( function() { \ var availableTags = GetAvailableTags( 'ProjectID' ); \ $( '#ProjectID_12669_AutoComplete').autocomplete({source: availableTags}); \ } ); \ ... \ }}} \ \ This JavaScript function is executed to re-fresh the 3 AutoComplete functions after we add the TR. \ \ HELP!!!!! \ \ WE HAVE A CLEAR AND CONCISE PPTX THAT DESCRIBES THIS ISSUE. \

Changed October 25, 2018 01:44PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

component: ui.coreui.autocomplete
owner: → ConradKrinock

Please provide a reduced test case showing the issue.