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#3548 closed bug (notabug)

Opened November 07, 2008 09:55AM UTC

Closed November 23, 2008 06:12PM UTC

Last modified October 11, 2012 09:15PM UTC

Draggables causing overflow bug in IE

Reported by: Skippy Owned by: paul
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ui.draggable Version: 1.6rc2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

I have a container div which has the following properties :

height: 420px;
width: 355px;

Inside that div, there's a container for a list of elements, which has no specific properties.

When I make the elements draggable, the list doesn't overflow.

As a pic is better than a thousand words, a screenshot is attached.

This happens only on IE (version 7, couldn't test with the 6), Fx, Opera and others run fine.

Attachments (2)
  • overflow_ie.jpg (55.6 KB) - added by Skippy November 25, 2008 09:36AM UTC.

    Draggable bug

  • pb_css.jpg (71.8 KB) - added by Skippy November 07, 2008 09:56AM UTC.

    Screenshot of the problem

Change History (5)

Changed November 21, 2008 11:15PM UTC by Skippy comment:1

Does anyone have an idea or a workaround?

Changed November 23, 2008 06:12PM UTC by paul comment:2

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

You have to set the position of the overflowing container to relative - this will fix it.

Changed November 25, 2008 09:39AM UTC by Skippy comment:3

This fixed the bug, right, but now on drag the draggable element appears "below" the others (the drag & drop operatin still workds fine though).

The draggable element don't have any specific CSS rule (except height, bakground and border).

(see attachment "Draggable bug")

Changed December 01, 2008 10:08AM UTC by Skippy comment:4

Shall I open a new bug report?

Changed October 11, 2012 09:15PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:5

milestone: TBD

Milestone TBD deleted