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#4502 closed bug (notabug)

Opened April 29, 2009 05:08PM UTC

Closed August 22, 2009 11:38AM UTC

Problem dragging to extremes when using draggable on a grid

Reported by: gplocke Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.8
Component: ui.draggable Version: 1.7.1
Keywords: grid, dragging Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

If you have an area that is the parent container with a draggable element inside, and you use a grid, the draggable element can't reach the very top or very bottom of the parent container.

You can see an example of the problem here (the files are also attached)

Click and drag to select a region in the column. Then drag the resulting div up and down to illustrate the issue.

Attachments (1)
  • index.html (10.2 KB) - added by gplocke April 29, 2009 05:12PM UTC.

    HTML test case illustrating bug.

Change History (3)

Changed May 07, 2009 10:31AM UTC by jzaefferer comment:1

milestone: TBD1.7.2


Changed May 07, 2009 01:16PM UTC by jzaefferer comment:2


Changed August 22, 2009 11:38AM UTC by paul comment:3

resolution: → invalid
status: newclosed

The bug is in your test - in fact, it is just one pixel that destroys your usecase. The grid option will always have the priority over the containment option, meaning if snapping at the very top corner of the containment would destroy the grid, it will not do so. In your example, to move to the top edge, the distance would be 14px - but in order to keep the grid, it needs to move by 15px.