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#5845 closed bug (invalid)

Opened July 21, 2010 11:17AM UTC

Closed November 19, 2012 09:06AM UTC

IE Text Selection While Dragging (Dealyed / Distance Start)

Reported by: rogerkng Owned by: rogerkng
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.0.0
Component: ui.draggable Version: 1.8.2
Keywords: IE Selection on delayed/distance start Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Dear friends,

I noticed in the delayed/distance start draggable feature, on dragging the IE text selection was enabled in the background ( selecting all the page while dragging the element around). To resolve this problem I've just added a little function (at the end of this note) right before/after enabled the feature on some target elements. This problem also happens in the Delayed Start Demo site from Jquery.

You could tune this solution to only disable the selection, during the dragging event, not "forever" as I did.

    this.onselectstart = function() { return false; }



Attachments (0)
Change History (7)

Changed June 06, 2012 01:25PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

priority: trivialminor

Changed June 26, 2012 01:22AM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

type: enhancementfeature

Changed October 11, 2012 09:07PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:3

milestone: TBD2.0.0

Changed November 04, 2012 05:45PM UTC by jzaefferer comment:4

type: featurebug

This isn't really a feature. Draggable should always prevent text selection while dragging.

Can someone on our lovely triaging team try to reproduce the issue?

Changed November 04, 2012 05:54PM UTC by mikesherov comment:5

description: Dear friends, \ \ I noticed in the delayed/distance start draggable feature, on dragging the IE text selection was enabled in the background ( selecting all the page while dragging the element around). To resolve this problem I've just added a little function (at the end of this note) right before/after enabled the feature on some target elements. This problem also happens in the Delayed Start Demo site from Jquery. \ \ You could tune this solution to only disable the selection, during the dragging event, not "forever" as I did. \ $('.target-elements').each(function(){ \ this.onselectstart = function() { return false; } \ }) \ \ Att, \ RogerDear friends, \ \ I noticed in the delayed/distance start draggable feature, on dragging the IE text selection was enabled in the background ( selecting all the page while dragging the element around). To resolve this problem I've just added a little function (at the end of this note) right before/after enabled the feature on some target elements. This problem also happens in the Delayed Start Demo site from Jquery. \ \ You could tune this solution to only disable the selection, during the dragging event, not "forever" as I did. \ {{{ \ $('.target-elements').each(function(){ \ this.onselectstart = function() { return false; } \ }) \ }}} \ Att, \ Roger

Changed November 04, 2012 06:01PM UTC by mikesherov comment:6

owner: → rogerkng
status: newpending

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the jQuery UI project! I can no longer reproduce the issue using the latest jQuery and jQuery UI using the info provided.

If you can still reproduce it, please feel free to reply to this ticket with a test case showing the problem. Thanks!

Changed November 19, 2012 09:06AM UTC by trac-o-bot comment:7

resolution: → invalid
status: pendingclosed

Because we get so many tickets, we often need to return them to the initial reporter for more information. If that person does not reply within 14 days, the ticket will automatically be closed, and that has happened in this case. If you still are interested in pursuing this issue, feel free to add a comment with the requested information and we will be happy to reopen the ticket if it is still valid. Thanks!