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#7082 closed bug (duplicate)

Opened March 08, 2011 07:27AM UTC

Closed March 08, 2011 06:45PM UTC

Last modified March 08, 2011 06:45PM UTC

List-item appends to overflowed div's hidden elements.

Reported by: peterthegreat Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.9.0
Component: ui.sortable Version: 1.8.10
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Sortable list-item appends to overflowed div's hidden elements. Firefox 3.6 - not tested on any other browser.

The problem I've countered is represented in jsfiddle -

Take one of the top "Youtube"-links and drag them around and you will notice some flickering because the element is struggling between the overflowed divs hidden elements and the parent(origin of the link)-div.

The problem should be resolved by making the dragging item not appendable to hidden parts of lists which is inside an overflowe'd div.

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Change History (4)

Changed March 08, 2011 05:19PM UTC by jdmarshall comment:1

_comment0: I believe this is the same as #70651299604895180187

I believe this is the same as #7065

If you add more IMDB's to the first list, you'll see that in addition to struggling over which list to add to, when you drag to the final position, the 'back' list always wins the negotiation for ownership.

Changed March 08, 2011 06:27PM UTC by peterthegreat comment:2

Maybe you could link to this ticket(from yours) as well so that the jQuery UI team can relate much easier?

Changed March 08, 2011 06:45PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:3

resolution: → duplicate
status: newclosed

Changed March 08, 2011 06:45PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:4

Duplicate of #7065.