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#9286 closed feature (notabug)

Opened May 13, 2013 03:19AM UTC

Closed May 13, 2013 12:15PM UTC

Last modified May 13, 2013 03:09PM UTC

The reference for "activate focused tab after a short delay"?

Reported by: Ian Y. Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.tabs Version: 1.10.3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

On Tabs' documentation page, it mentions "Activate focused tab after a short delay."

However, W3C's definition for Tab Panel behavior doesn't address that there need to be "a short delay".

Could you please advise the consideration that jQuery UI decided to implement that?

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Change History (10)

Changed May 13, 2013 12:15PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

resolution: → notabug
status: newclosed

Changed May 13, 2013 12:30PM UTC by Ian Y. comment:2

Thanks. Please consider adding an option for canceling the delay.

Sometimes users would want to quick glance contents of all panels in order to search for something. They might not want to wait for 0.5 second at each panel.

Changed May 13, 2013 12:38PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:3

Users can already do this by pressing SPACE. Please see the keyboard interaction section of

Changed May 13, 2013 12:45PM UTC by Ian Y. comment:4

Replying to [comment:3 scott.gonzalez]:

Users can already do this by pressing SPACE. Please see the keyboard interaction section of

But that need more key pressings thus it become inconvenient.

Changed May 13, 2013 01:27PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:5

Surely you as the developer cannot predict whether all of your users will want to remove the delay. You can modify the delay if you want, but we're not encouraging it.

Changed May 13, 2013 01:30PM UTC by Ian Y. comment:6

_comment0: Replying to [comment:5 scott.gonzalez]: \ > Surely you as the developer cannot predict whether all of your users will want to remove the delay. You can modify the delay if you want, but we're not encouraging it. \ \ Yes. And the concern of not encouraging it?1368451839601290
_comment1: Replying to [comment:5 scott.gonzalez]: \ > Surely you as the developer cannot predict whether all of your users will want to remove the delay. You can modify the delay if you want, but we're not encouraging it. \ \ Yes. And what's the concern of not encouraging it?1368451848088435
_comment2: Replying to [comment:5 scott.gonzalez]: \ > Surely you as the developer cannot predict whether all of your users will want to remove the delay. You can modify the delay if you want, but we're not encouraging it. \ \ Yes. And what's your concern of not encouraging it?1368451856768141

Replying to [comment:5 scott.gonzalez]:

Surely you as the developer cannot predict whether all of your users will want to remove the delay. You can modify the delay if you want, but we're not encouraging it.

Yes. And what's your concern of not encouraging it?

Changed May 13, 2013 01:45PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:7

Read the comments in the aforementioned pull request. There's even a discussion going on right now about whether ARIA should be changed in terms of when activation occurs.

Changed May 13, 2013 02:39PM UTC by Ian Y. comment:8

_comment0: Replying to [comment:7 scott.gonzalez]: \ > Read the comments in the aforementioned pull request. There's even a discussion going on right now about whether ARIA should be changed in terms of when activation occurs. \ \ I saw you said: "The downside is that you cannot navigate across ajax tabs using the keyboard without activating all tabs as you navigate." \ \ But isn't ajax tabs rarely used? As far as I can remember, I never see people use that. Maybe there's a better approach so the delay doesn't need to be implemented on most cases in which delay is needless.1368456036124185

Replying to [comment:7 scott.gonzalez]:

Read the comments in the aforementioned pull request. There's even a discussion going on right now about whether ARIA should be changed in terms of when activation occurs.

I saw you said: "The downside is that you cannot navigate across ajax tabs using the keyboard without activating all tabs as you navigate."

But isn't ajax tabs rarely used? As far as I can remember, I never see people use that. Maybe there's a better approach so the delay doesn't need to be implemented on most cases in which delay is needless.

Changed May 13, 2013 02:56PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:9

Ajax tabs are quite common. Conditionally using the delay is worse than always using the delay since it creates inconsistencies which cause confusion.

Changed May 13, 2013 03:09PM UTC by Ian Y. comment:10

Okay. Thanks.