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#9385 closed bug (cantfix)

Opened June 20, 2013 08:31AM UTC

Closed November 18, 2014 04:21AM UTC

Effects: Blind effect animation issues in IE9 / IE10

Reported by: pb1uk66 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: none
Component: ui.effects.* (individual effect) Version: 1.7.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:


I've posted this in the jQuery forum and have been pointed this way.

I'm using a simple snippet of jquery to show/hide or toggle the visibility of a div. This is working fine in all browsers accept Internet Explorer 9 and 10, jQuery v1.7.2. When viewed in Chrome/Firefox the animation operates smoothly.

I've created a jsfiddle to show the problem;

The script even does its job it's just the way it does it! They say a picture tells a thousand words, here's the problem:[[Image(]]

Attachments (0)
Change History (2)

Changed June 21, 2013 01:01AM UTC by tj.vantoll comment:1

component: ui.coreui.effects.* (individual effect)
status: newopen
summary: jQuery UI show/toggle problem in IE9Effects: Blind effect animation issues in IE9 / IE10


This is caused by the

and absolute positioning. If either of those are removed this works fine.

I'm relatively sure there's nothing we can do about this, but we could further reduce this and report it to Microsoft.

Changed November 18, 2014 04:21AM UTC by mikesherov comment:2

resolution: → cantfix
status: openclosed

This is fixed in IE11, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this in IE9 and IE10.