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Search and Top Navigation

#5869 closed feature (fixed)

Opened July 28, 2010 09:49PM UTC

Closed December 11, 2010 08:58PM UTC

Last modified December 12, 2010 08:55PM UTC

Accordion: Deprecate navigation options

Reported by: scottgonzalez Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: 1.9.0
Component: ui.accordion Version: 1.8.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

Deprecate the navigation and navigationFilter options. Create a demo showing how to accomplish this using the active option.

Attachments (0)
Change History (5)

Changed July 28, 2010 09:55PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

#5870 will remove this options after they have been deprecated.

Changed December 11, 2010 08:58PM UTC by Scott González comment:2

resolution: → fixed
status: newclosed

Accordion: Split out navigation options into an extension. Fixes #5869 - Accordion: Deprecate navigation options.

Changeset: f73d4217537e130e2f41a7ee6729585a5c229107

Changed December 12, 2010 02:44PM UTC by jzaefferer comment:3

How do we keep track of deprecated code to remove for 2.0?

Changed December 12, 2010 07:38PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:4

Replying to [comment:3 joern.zaefferer]:

How do we keep track of deprecated code to remove for 2.0?

There are two different ways that we're tracking this:

1) The code is refactored so that it can just be deleted and then is marked as deprecated.

-- In this case, the navigation options were implemented as an extension as the bottom of the file.

2) There's a blocker feature ticket with a milestone of to remove the code.

-- In this case, the ticket is #5870.

Changed December 12, 2010 08:55PM UTC by jzaefferer comment:5

Okay, great, that'll work.