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#6149 closed bug (duplicate)

Opened October 05, 2010 05:07PM UTC

Closed October 05, 2010 05:12PM UTC

Last modified October 11, 2012 09:15PM UTC

Tabs Highlight issue (with screenshots from multiple pcs)

Reported by: shadwdrgn Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: ui.tabs Version: 1.8.5
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

The hover style remains on a tab after changing tabs if an Input is focused on "show" in javascript. Example code follows:

show: function(event, ui) {

if ( == "tab2") {




EXACTLY how to replicate (DO NOT click anywhere but where this tells you:

1) Go to in firefox in windows OR linux.

2) Click on the "Shorten URL" tab.

3) Click on the "Info" tab.

Here is a screenshot of the bug:

In another screenshot ( ) notice the "Read EMail" AND "Shorten URL" tabs are BOTH highlighted. That is because my mouse is over "Read EMail" and the bug keeps "Shorten URL" highlighted.

Here's a screenshot from a friend of mine's PC:

Attachments (0)
Change History (3)

Changed October 05, 2010 05:11PM UTC by shadwdrgn comment:1

the removeclass ui-state-hover was my attempt at a workaround. it happens with AND without that.

Changed October 05, 2010 05:12PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:2

resolution: → duplicate
status: newclosed

Duplicate of #6148.

Changed October 11, 2012 09:15PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:3

milestone: TBD

Milestone TBD deleted