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#7089 closed bug (fixed)

Opened March 09, 2011 11:23AM UTC

Closed March 14, 2011 09:18PM UTC

Button: .last() used in ui.button but not exists in jQ 1.3

Reported by: alkaaran Owned by: rdworth
Priority: blocker Milestone: 1.8.11
Component: ui.button Version: 1.8.10
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

.last() function was introduced with jQuery 1.4, to preserve compatibility with jQuery 1.3 replace .last() with .filter(":last") in jquery.ui.button

Attachments (0)
Change History (3)

Changed March 09, 2011 01:01PM UTC by scottgonzalez comment:1

priority: minorblocker
status: newopen

This should only be fixed in 1-8-stable.

Changed March 14, 2011 09:18PM UTC by rdworth comment:2

owner: → rdworth
status: openassigned
summary: .last() used in ui.button but not exists in jQ 1.3Button: .last() used in ui.button but not exists in jQ 1.3

Changed March 14, 2011 09:18PM UTC by Richard Worth comment:3

resolution: → fixed
status: assignedclosed

Button: avoid .last() call to ensure compatibility with jQuery 1.3. Fixed #7089 - Button: .last() used in ui.button but not exists in jQ 1.3

Changeset: 6bbc43113ccd2722919e4149248c3316c143b287